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2 Days

It's simple, 105 Days of physical activity. Eliminate the barrier of having no time and commit  to 2 days out of week. Below you will find workout plans created for individuals who are sedentary, working constantly or a beginner. Each routine is designed to train 2 days out of the week with 48-72 Hours of Recovery. This will allow you to make the adjustments to the new lifestyle change you are seeking to grasp. Perform each plan 3 - 4 weeks for max benefits and progress to another plan or when you are ready increase your days of exercising.


For more assistance, check out the Nutritional Experiences and Nutritional Tips. Both provide research on the essential foods and dietary experiences that keys to achieving your greatest form. 


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2 Day No Gym Membership 

Let's ease our way into exercising with no gym membership needed and straight into action. If you using this workout plan probably means you are just beginning and haven't been to the gym for awhile. Or you planning to transition back to the gym and having a base level fitness is a must. This routine can be used for 3-4 weeks, 2 days a week

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2 Day Heart Enhancing 

Believe or not your heart is a muscle and will always need to strong core to protect it. This workout plan is geared toward all fitness levels looking to implement cardio and core abdominal training into their regiment. You can use this for 3-4 weeks and slowly increase the days of cardio and abdominal for more improvements.

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Machines & Dumbbells

Creating the perfect routine is a must and admiring their flaws is what makes training much more compelling. This routine is created for all fitness levels striving to improve their physique leaving no body part untouched. Each workout is a full body routine for 3-4 weeks, 2 days a week.

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